CLERANE, our solution dedicated to industrial cleaning and degreasing

CLERANE is a range of very high purity, biodegradable, hydrocarbon-based cleaning products. 

CLERANE : A winning combination of purity and performance for industrial cleaning and degreasing

CLERANE is a range of biodegradable hydrocarbon cleaning products of very high purity, specially designed for industrial cleaning and degreasing. 

It can be used directly as a finished product or as part of your cleaning formulations. 

The performance of the CLERANE range has been demonstrated, in particular for metal cleaning and precision cleaning on various surfaces and soils, such as waste oils, cutting oils, heavy fuel oil, lithium soap, grease, carbon black, neoprene glue and epoxy glue. 

An optimization between cleaning and degreasing performance, drying time and safety of use in your operating conditions will guide you to the best choice.


Our CLERANE range is characterized by:

  • A very high degreasing power
  • A large choice of volatilities allowing you to optimize the drying time
  • A large choice of flash points allowing you to optimize your selection to preserve the safety of your employees
  • A surface after cleaning without residue
  • Compatibility with metals, including aluminum, stainless steel, galvanized steel, untreated steel
  • A very high purity allowing to ensure a high stability of the product in the time and to preserve the health of the users


The products in our CLERANE range are:

  • Easily biodegradable, according to the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) guidelines
  • Not classified as CMR (Carcinogenic, Mutagenic, Reprotoxic) according to the GHS/CLP*.

In addition, our CLERANE products:

  • Contain extremely low levels of aromatics (benzene, toluene) and cyclic polyaromatics
  • Do not contain halogenated molecules 
  • Are not on the list of PAHs (Hazardous Air Pollutants) as defined in the US Clean Air Act.
  • Do not contain any substances of very high concern (SVHC) under REACh

* Global Harmonized System / Classification, Labelling, Packaging
** Volatile Organic Compounds

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A high efficiency multi-purpose degreaser, emulsifiable, biodegradable and biosourced


Why to choose it ?

  • The high degreasing power of CLERANE EC BIO 65 will enable you to eliminate oily dirt without altering the quality of the cleaned elements
  • Its emulsifiable character will allow you to use it in wet environment, and/or to rinse the cleaned surface with water
  • Thanks to its good level of evaporation, CLERANE EC BIO 65 evaporates easily
  • Its high purity means that no residue is left on the surface to be cleaned
  • Being biosourced (class C > 25%) and biodegradable, it make it particularly suitable to reduce your impact on the environment


How to use it ?

  • By spraying, for the cleaning of large and difficult-to-reach surfaces
  • By brushing, in the case of localized stains
  • By soaking or brushing in the case of very dirty parts.


For what applications ?

  • Cleaning of vehicle engines and chassis, on-road and off-road
  • Cleaning of cement or tiled floors in workshops, industrial facilities, car parks, garages and petrol stations
  • Cleaning of grease trays and pits
  • Cleaning of floors in oil-fired boiler rooms and petroleum product storage areas
  • Cleaning of civil engineering installations and equipment
  • Cleaning of tar spots on car bodies
  • Cleaning of machine tools and machine parts
  • Removal of rust protection coatings
  • Cleaning of brushes and tools used for painting


Our experts are at your disposal to answer any question :




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