Our paraffin oils for crop protection
High purity paraffin oil has been used for many years in the formulation of crop protection products in the food industry.
The advantages of paraffin oils
An effective solution for the control of many pests and diseases.
- Excellent selectivity of products that can be used on a large number of crops.
- MRL (Maximum Residue Limit) exempted products, no residue issues at harvest so treatments possible close to harvest, according to Annex IV of Regulation (EU) 2015/1608.
- Very short re-entry period after treatment, maximum 1 day.
- Products authorized in organic farming and considered as Biocontrol solutions that can be perfectly integrated into Integrated Pest Management (IPM).
- Easily biodegradable paraffin oil, according to OECD 301 method
- Physical mode of action, with no risk of developing resistance in pathogen and pest populations.

Paraffin oils for crop protection
TotalEnergies has 3 active substances registered in Europe under the name Paraffin Oil.
This range of Fluid Genera active substances allows us to offer very pure and biodegradable plant protection oils, which are important advantages in terms of environmental impact and health. These substances also have excellent selectivity, allowing the products to be used not only in the overwintering stages but also in full vegetation.
The Fluid Genera range is available in Europe and is represented by :
- Fluid Genera 6
- Fluid Genera 9
- Fluid Genera 12
Our paraffin oils are used as insecticides and acaricides for crop protection. They also have a fungicidal effect and can be used in the control of powdery mildew / vineyard.
Paraffin oil has a physical mode of action, the oil film covers and suffocates insect eggs and larvae. This film is also a barrier that can prevent the transmission of certain diseases or the arrival of spores. This explains the broad spectrum of action of our products with no known development of resistance.
TotalEnergies has marketing authorisations for many products:
- Insecticide-acaricide formulations:
- Citrole®
- Catane®
- Ovispray®
- Finavestan® EMA
Paraffin oils can also be used as adjuvants with insecticide, fungicide and herbicide active substances with which they can have various synergies such as limiting the development of resistance to these substances.
- Insecticide, fungicide and herbicide adjuvants :
- Banole®,
- Velezia®,
- Citrole® A
TotalEnergies is available to professionals who wish to evaluate the potential contribution of our products to their treatment strategies.
The paraffin oils of Special Fluids have obtained the TotalEnergies Ecosolution label, due to the significant advantage they bring in terms of environmental and health impact. In fact, they are characterised by
- No classification for the environment and human health
- Their "readily biodegradable" classification (GHS / CLP)
- The absence of resistance phenomena on the targeted species
Find more information on the program and the label on: https://ecosolutions.totalenergies.com/en
* The labelling process has been verified by an independent external auditor.
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