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Drilling Fluids


Synthetic base oils EDC

In the formulation of Base Oil Muds used for the most severe drilling conditions by Exploration & Production companies, TotalEnergies has developed EDC Synthetic Base Fluids, the best environmental choice for high-performance drilling.

TotalEnergies EDC Synthetic Base Oils products cover the full spectrum of drilling needs for both onshore and offshore operations and anticipate your toughest product safety specifications.

Lower impact on environment of EDC range for Base Oil Muds

Minimizing environmental risks:

  • High eco toxicity performance
  • Classified Readily biodegradable (OECD 306 guidelines)
  • High degree of purity

Maximizing operator safety:

  • Not classified irritant for skin (test OECD 404)
  • High flash point
  • No aromatics
  • Low vapor pressure
  • Odorless

For the significant advantage they offer in terms of environmental impact, EDC Synthetic Base Oils have been awarded the TotalEnergies Ecosolution label: for their best efficiency in line with their lower impact on both human health and environment.

Find out more about the program and the label on: 

*The certification process has been verified by an independent external auditor.