drops of water

Hydroseal HY: phthalate-free plasticizer for hybrid sealant

Phthalate free-plasticizer for sealant and adhesive hybrid technologies: HYDROSEAL HY

HYDROSEAL HY characteristics offer greater performance to sealant and adhesive:

  • Better elastic recovery > 70% (The minimal value for construction sealant according to ISO 11600)
  • Easier workability due to lower stringing properties and higher extrusion rates
  • No staining on wood


  • Does not affect the curing process
  • Does not affect adhesion properties on concrete, aluminum or wood

The efficacy of HYDROSEAL HY has been compared to a conventional phthalate plasticizer (DIDP) in a SMP sealant and has shown equivalent and even better performances while having a better HSE profile.

HYDROSEAL HY has been successfully tested with different types of SMP (Silane/Silyl Modified Polymers) materials:

  • MS (Modified Silicone)
  • ST-PE (Silyl Terminated PolyEther)
  • ST-PU (Silyl Terminated PolyUrethane)

It can be used alone or mixed with other plasticizers

HYDROSEAL HY contains no phthalate and allows the formulation of sealants and adhesives with extra low VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) emission answering the most stringent standards such as GEV EC 1 + level.

HYDROSEAL HY is specifically adapted to flooring SMP sealants and adhesives as well as building and construction sealants – panel bonding, sealing, gap filling, insulating… HYDROSEAL HY is also recommended for DIY applications.

Hybrid sealants


hydroseal hy schema


Download the HYDROSEAL HY leaflet.(pdf) Our experts remain at your disposition for any technical advice on how to use Hydroseal HY organic plasticizers for sealants
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