Professionals in charge of phytopharmaceutical products sold by TotalEnergies Fluids have an individual certificate (Certiphyto), attesting that they have sufficient knowledge to use phytopharmaceuticals safely and to reduce their use. The certificate is valid for sales, distribution, use and advice. This certification attests to their compliance with regulations governing phytopharmaceutical products: from their marketing authorisation and use, through to managing empty packaging.
In accordance with Decree No. 2011-1325 setting the conditions for issuing, renewing, suspending and withdrawing approvals for companies and individual certificates for the sale, free distribution, application and advice on the use of plant protection products, TotalEnergies Fluids is approved for the distribution of plant protection products to professionals under the number IF02031.
TotalEnergies Fluids is approved for the distribution of phytosanitary products for professional use under n°IF02031. The validity date is from 17/03/2022 to 28/11/2023.