TotalEnergies Mining Experience
More info about TotalEnergies Mining Expérience
TotalEnergies hydrocarbon fluids are used as diluents in the organic phase necessary for leaching (5 to 10% extracting agent and 80 to 90% diluent). They dilute the extraction agent and allow the extracted metal to be transferred through the various steps in the process.
The ELIXORE range offers a comprehensive choice of perfectly inert, colorless and odorless diluents with ultra-low aromatic content.
Each product is tailored to provide the optimal balance between desired level of efficacy (viscosity) and necessary level of operator safety (high flashpoint).
Our range ensures optimal performance in terms of operator safety, process efficacy and reliability.
The outstanding properties of our products make them prime choice diluents in the extraction of valuable and sensitive metals such as Copper, Zinc, Cobalt, Nickel, Uranium, Rare Earth Metals and Lithium.
Environment Friendly
Unmatched Health Benefits
Less Evaporation Loss
Less Crud Formation
Discover the characteristics of our ELIXORE range and download our product brochure
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