The Halal certificate obtained in 2019 has been renewed for the Oudalle plant and the following ranges until 31/07/2025:
- Aqualane
- Berylane
- Clerane
- Eolane
- Gemseal
- Hydroseal
- Isane BioLife
- Lubrilam
- Tilamar
- Emosmart
- Scriptane
- Solane
The Halal Assurance System (HAS), which complies with standard ISO 17065, was established by the Halal certification body HCS to help professionals meet Halal standards.
The certificate confirms that manufacturers of ingredients, foodstuffs, and veterinary, pharmaceutical and cosmetic products meet the requirements of the Halal market. It is recognized by respected Halal authorities around the world: LPPOM MUI in Indonesia, JAKIM in Malaysia, MUIS in Singapore, and CICOT in Thailand, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia.
To learn more: https://www.halalcs.org/en